Nu är den nya upphandlingen av stridsskjorta tillgänglig. Upphandlingen avbröts i förtid då det uppdagades att dokumenten behövdes omarbetas. Den initiala förändringen är att FMV ändrat namnet från “under armour shirt” till “under ballistic armour shirt” (UBAC).
3. Scope and description
This procurement covers a framework agreement for under ballistic armour combat shirts including options. FMV intention is to sign a framework agreement for under ballistic armour combat shirts with one contractor. Contract period will be two (2) years with possibility to prolong the contract with total additional five (5) years. The contract will be subject to Swedish law. The estimated order volume during the contract period (two years) is 100 000 pieces of under ballistic armour combat shirts. FMV is however not obliged to buy this estimated volume. The actual order volume may be more or less.
The aim of this procurement is to acquire technically advanced under ballistic armour combat shirts that will be part of the Swedish Armed Forces uniform system. The shirts will be used under body armour and ballistic protection. They will have a combination of woven and knitted materials which requires eminent fabric and garment construction. The requirements for the shirt will, for example, concern properties regarding inherent flame retardancy and infrared reflection. FMV intention is that the shirts are manufactured with the Swedish Armed Forces camouflage pattern prints in green and beige shades on the woven parts. Some garments will be permethrin-treated. It is utmost important that tenderers ensure the protection of health and environment during the whole process. Further requirements such as technical specification, statement of work, patterns etc. will be stated in the Contract documents.
I övrigt verkar valet av leverantör ske på samma sätt som tidigare. Intresserade leverantörer kommer rangordnas enligt ett poängsystem i fem (5) olika faser.